Thursday, March 24, 2011

Setting out in a new business

We have landlords to pay, neighbors to meet.  We have to feel out our presentation.  We talk endlessly sometimes about what's working, what would work, what product, where to get it, how can we keep it fresh.  We have learned how to plan, we are still learning.  This new spot, as you'll see, has great potential.  Right now we are learning how to be partners with someone who's approach so far has been hard to understand.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Business

Since last I wrote, SLIW, much time has more than passed and now we are opening up a new direction for our company.  We call it coming home. Terri's Berries is setting up business right down the hill from where we live.  Now I can ride my bike to work just like I do in Costa Mesa and Pomona.  And Terri can take advantage of all the local contacts for produce to open the kind of store she's always wanted.  Chocolate dipping, peppermint barque and fruit-topped candy bars, caramel Granny Smith apples, our very own Lemon-Lime Freeze.  So here we are, she opening the rather casual front fencing while I try to catalog in photos.