Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rain, rain, and more rain

That's the situation here. Rain closed down the fruit and flower stand, though we did get a break on Valentines's Day. Rain closed down the strawberry fields and will definitely affect the taste of the crop for the next couple of weeks. Finally, rain has begun to wash and erode whole sections of cliffs above the houses everyone thought were so safe because, hey, it never rains in California.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

So now we are two . . .

This is going to be fun. T and I have been partners since the start way back in the summer '93. She was working the OC Fair with an open countered trailer and display tables out front filled with a farmer's market worth of produce. I just came up from Encinitas to help out and because I really missed the days of my youth riding in a mule-pulled wagon with my Uncle George as we travelled the streets of Hampton, Arkansas hawking his truck farmed produce.
She didn't know this of course and as I think back on it neither did I. I just knew I was happy as hell to be back on some kind of farm even if it was in downtown Costa Mesa.
Oh yeah, that's T and I at a Clipper game last year when they still had Elton.

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's the night before Valentine's Day

and T has finally wound down. It's been hectic this week as the orders for mini-apples dipped in caramel and decorated with chocolate have been piling up. We added three regular vendors and private clients began calling too. So our two and sometimes three person staff had to be augumented by two and the kitchen hours, well, let's just say I thought we'd never close.

Yet, tomorrow is supposed to be the big day even though we might get rain. Anyway, that's the way it seems to go in this business. It rains then pours.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Good Morning and hello

This is a new version of us and we are really happy to get it started. Today, as T went off to work B sat down to compose this first post. What he had in mind was just to say that you can look forward to a lot of pictures, recipes, thoughts and more as we grow this spot just as we did our business.